Sloughi puppies

By admin on 10/02/2013 in News

Our biggest news, one that inspired us to do a site redesign is that Badriyah gave birth to 9 cute little sloughi puppies. Six boys and three girls. They are all healthy and feeling very well. Badriyah is gonna prove to be a real good mother :)

For now we have 4 reservations (ofcourse we are gonna keep one female for future expand of our kennel). So if any of you is interested in buying one, please be free to contact us. We are open for any questions, suggestions, information and anything you wanna know :)

Please check puppies page and see for yourself how cute and adorable they are.


See you soon with fresh news!

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adminView all posts by admin >


  1. Author
    Vladimir 11/02/2013 Reply

    Congratulations! :)

  2. Marija 24/02/2013 Reply

    They are so sweet and beautiful!

  3. boris 18/06/2013 Reply

    Stenci su prelepi,kao i majka uostalom!Lepo je videti da se na posvecen i profesionalan nacin popularizuje ova divna rasa i kod nas.Odlicno uradjen i sajt,pohvale!

  4. Coral 11/09/2013 Reply


    I was inquiring about the pups you have remaining frm your A litter

    Where abouts are they located?

    What sex are the pups you haveavailable also age, colour/markings etc

    Are they “SHOW” quality and on the main register.

    Have they had all tests and vaccinations?

    Have they had any training?

    What pricing?

    Thanks Coral

    • Author
      admin 16/09/2013 Reply

      Hello Coral,

      Sorry for delay in reply. Yes there is one puppy available, he was previosly sold out to my friend in Novi Sad ( Srdjan Strbac ), but he was short listed for a new job so he has to travell a lott. This male is the most beautifull puppy in the litter as he was choosed first, he is very elegant/ balanced and his colour is sand/ red. By the way it is raised and considering his blood line, by my opinion he is one of the most beautifull males in Europe.
      He has a pedigree also, mother is from Czech and father from Tunisia, therefore you would get a great blood line and very good looking male with calm temperament. Of cource he is SHOW quality :) and that he is registered. His name is
      If you want to talk about the price pleace contact me on or F.B Sloughi.Balkan

      Best Regard,

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